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useStepsForm allows you to manage a form with multiple steps. It provides features such as which step is currently active, the ability to go to a specific step and validation when changing steps etc.

The useStepsForm hook is extended from useForm from the @refinedev/mantine package. This means that you can use all the functionalities of useForm in your useStepsForm.


We will show two examples, one for creating and one for editing a post. Let's see how useStepsForm is used in both.

Here is the final result of the form: We will explain the code in following sections.

import { Button, Code, Group, Select, Space, Stepper, Textarea, TextInput } from "@mantine/core";
import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Create, SaveButton, useStepsForm } from "@refinedev/mantine";
import React from "react";

type FormValues = Omit<IPost, "id">;

const PostCreatePage: React.FC = () => {
const {
steps: { currentStep, gotoStep },
} = useStepsForm<IPost, HttpError, FormValues>({
initialValues: {
title: "",
status: "",
slug: "",
content: "",
validate: (values) => {
if (currentStep === 0) {
return {
title: values.title ? null : "Title is required",
slug: values.slug ? null : "Slug is required",

if (currentStep === 1) {
return {
status: values.status ? null : "Status is required",

return {};

return (
<Group position="right" mt="xl">
{currentStep !== 0 && (
<Button variant="default" onClick={() => gotoStep(currentStep - 1)}>
{currentStep !== 3 && <Button onClick={() => gotoStep(currentStep + 1)}>Next step</Button>}
{currentStep === 2 && <SaveButton {...saveButtonProps} />}
<Stepper active={currentStep} onStepClick={gotoStep} breakpoint="xs">
<Stepper.Step label="First Step" description="Title and Slug" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 0}>
<TextInput mt="md" label="Title" placeholder="Title" {...getInputProps("title")} />
<TextInput mt="md" label="Slug" placeholder="Slug" {...getInputProps("slug")} />

<Stepper.Step label="Second Step" description="Status" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 1}>
placeholder="Pick one"
{ label: "Published", value: "published" },
{ label: "Draft", value: "draft" },
{ label: "Rejected", value: "rejected" },

<Stepper.Step label="Final Step" description="Content" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 2}>
<Textarea label="Content" placeholder="Content" {...getInputProps("content")} />

Completed! Form values:
<Space />
<Code mt="xl">{JSON.stringify(values, null, 2)}</Code>

In this example we're going to build a Post "create" form. To creating a multi-step form, we will use <Stepper/> component from Mantine. To handle the state of both the form and the steps, we will use useStepsForm hook.

To show your form inputs step by step, first import and use useStepsForm hook in your page:

import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Create } from "@refinedev/mantine";
import React from "react";

type FormValues = Omit<IPost, "id">;

const PostCreatePage: React.FC = () => {
const {
steps: { currentStep, gotoStep },
} = useStepsForm<IPost, HttpError, FormValues>({
initialValues: {
title: "",
status: "",
slug: "",
content: "",
validate: (values) => {
if (currentStep === 0) {
return {
title: values.title ? null : "Title is required",
slug: values.slug ? null : "Slug is required",

if (currentStep === 1) {
return {
status: values.status ? null : "Status is required",

return {};

return <Create>create page</Create>;

useStepsForm is generic over the type form data to help you type check your code.

This hook returns a set of useful values to render <Stepper/>. Given current value, you should have a way to render your form items conditionally with this index value.

Here, we're going to use a <Stepper/> component to render the form items based on the currentStep and we added <Button> to footer with gotoStep function to navigate between steps.

import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Create } from "@refinedev/mantine";
import React from "react";

type FormValues = Omit<IPost, "id">;

const PostCreatePage: React.FC = () => {
const {
steps: { currentStep, gotoStep },
} = useStepsForm<IPost, HttpError, FormValues>({
initialValues: {
title: "",
status: "",
slug: "",
content: "",
validate: (values) => {
if (currentStep === 0) {
return {
title: values.title ? null : "Title is required",
slug: values.slug ? null : "Slug is required",

if (currentStep === 1) {
return {
status: values.status ? null : "Status is required",

return {};

return (
<Group position="right" mt="xl">
{currentStep !== 0 && (
<Button variant="default" onClick={() => gotoStep(currentStep - 1)}>
{currentStep !== 3 && <Button onClick={() => gotoStep(currentStep + 1)}>Next step</Button>}
{currentStep === 2 && <SaveButton {...saveButtonProps} />}
<Stepper active={currentStep} onStepClick={gotoStep} breakpoint="xs">
<Stepper.Step label="First Step" description="Title and Slug" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 0}>
<TextInput mt="md" label="Title" placeholder="Title" {...getInputProps("title")} />
<TextInput mt="md" label="Slug" placeholder="Slug" {...getInputProps("slug")} />

<Stepper.Step label="Second Step" description="Status" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 1}>
placeholder="Pick one"
{ label: "Published", value: "published" },
{ label: "Draft", value: "draft" },
{ label: "Rejected", value: "rejected" },

<Stepper.Step label="Final Step" description="Content" allowStepSelect={currentStep > 2}>
<Textarea label="Content" placeholder="Content" {...getInputProps("content")} />

Completed! Form values:
<Space />
<Code mt="xl">{JSON.stringify(values, null, 2)}</Code>



All useForm properties also available in useStepsForm. You can find descriptions on useForm docs.

const stepsForm = useStepsForm({
refineCoreProps: {
action: "edit",
resource: "posts",
id: "1",



Sets the default starting step number. Counting starts from 0.

const stepsForm = useStepsForm({
stepsProps: {
defaultStep: 0,


When is true, validates a form fields when the user navigates to a previous step. It is false by default.

const stepsForm = useStepsForm({
stepsProps: {
isBackValidate: true,


If you want loading overtime for the request, you can pass the overtimeOptions prop to the this hook. It is useful when you want to show a loading indicator when the request takes too long.

interval is the time interval in milliseconds while onInterval is the function that will be called on each interval.

Return overtime object from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useStepsForm({
overtimeOptions: {
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...

// You can use it like this:
elapsedTime >= 4000 && <div>this takes a bit longer than expected</div>;


If you want to save the form automatically after some delay when user edits the form, you can pass true to autoSave.enabled prop.

By default the autoSave feature does not invalidate queries. However, you can use the invalidateOnUnmount prop to invalidate queries upon unmount.

It also supports onMutationSuccess and onMutationError callback functions. You can use isAutoSave parameter to determine whether the mutation is triggered by autoSave or not.

autoSave feature operates exclusively in edit mode. Users can take advantage of this feature while editing data, as changes are automatically saved in editing mode. However, when creating new data, manual saving is still required.

onMutationSuccess and onMutationError callbacks will be called after the mutation is successful or failed.


To enable the autoSave feature, set the enabled parameter to true. Default is false.

refineCoreProps: {
autoSave: {
enabled: true,


debounce sets the debounce time for the autoSave prop. Default is 1000 milliseconds.

refineCoreProps: {
autoSave: {
enabled: true,
debounce: 2000,


This prop is useful when you want to invalidate the list, many and detail queries from the current resource when the hook is unmounted. By default, it invalidates the list, many and detail queries associated with the current resource. Also, You can use the invalidates prop to select which queries to invalidate. Default is false.

refineCoreProps: {
autoSave: {
enabled: true,
invalidateOnUnmount: true,

Return Values

All useForm return values also available in useStepsForm. You can find descriptions on useForm docs.


The props needed by the <Stepper> component.


Current step, counting from 0.


Is a function that allows you to programmatically change the current step of a form. It takes in one argument, step, which is a number representing the index of the step you want to navigate to.


overtime object is returned from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useStepsForm();

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...


If autoSave is enabled, this hook returns autoSaveProps object with data, error, and status properties from mutation.


How can I change the form data before submitting it to the API?

You may need to modify the form data before it is sent to the API.

For example, Let's send the values we received from the user in two separate inputs, name and surname, to the API as fullName.

import { useStepsForm } from "@refinedev/mantine";
import React from "react";

const UserCreate: React.FC = () => {
const {
steps: { currentStep, gotoStep },
} = useStepsForm({
refineCoreProps: { action: "create" },
initialValues: {
name: "",
surname: "",
transformValues: (values) => ({
fullName: `${} ${values.surname}`,

// ...

API Reference


Type Parameters

TQueryFnDataResult data returned by the query function. Extends BaseRecordBaseRecordBaseRecord
TErrorCustom error object that extends HttpErrorHttpErrorHttpError
TVariablesForm values for mutation function{}Record<string, unknown>
TTransformedForm values after transformation for mutation function{}TVariables
TDataResult data returned by the select function. Extends BaseRecord. If not specified, the value of TQueryFnData will be used as the default value.BaseRecordTQueryFnData
TResponseResult data returned by the mutation function. Extends BaseRecord. If not specified, the value of TData will be used as the default value.BaseRecordTData
TResponseErrorCustom error object that extends HttpError. If not specified, the value of TError will be used as the default value.HttpErrorTError

Return values

stepsRelevant state and method to control the stepsStepsReturnValues
refineCoreThe return values of the useForm in the coreUseFormReturnValues
@mantine/form's useForm return valuesSee useForm documentation
overtimeOvertime loading props{ elapsedTime?: number }
autoSavePropsAuto save props{ data: UpdateResponse<TData> | undefined, error: HttpError | null, status: "loading" | "error" | "idle" | "success" }


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npm create refine-app@latest -- --example form-mantine-use-steps-form